Make no concessions, demand it all. From yourself, but also from your machine. Always fighting for the racing line: every curve a few degrees deeper, a few millimetres tighter. Kilometre after kilometre. With the new S 1000 XR, you have a motorcycle that also makes no compromises. It combines athleticism and long-distance performance in perfect form. Its sporty aggressiveness comes from the RR. Its outstanding ergonomics with the upright, relaxed seat position, however, allows you to fight for every curve and straightaway all day. A racetrack that only finishes when you want. How it should be. That is how we view the XR. What about you? #NeverStopChallenging.
The design of the S 1000 XR
On the racing line – even in the design.
The front fairing and lighting system are defined by sharp edges. Combined with striking beading, they shape the overall line – aggressively and consistently to the finish: it’s no accident that the visually short tail is reminiscent of a sport bike.
The hinted snout, the high flyline, and the comfortable handlebars indicate an insatiable hunger for kilometres. Kilometres that are great fun in the long-distance seat position, even after days at a time – also thanks to the revised aerodynamics and fairing. It provides even better protection against the cold, driving noises and the elements. The adjustable windshield means you can keep your eyes on the road, and the odometer, without your helmet shaking.
Colours with expression.
With the paint variants of the S 1000 XR, you are already making a clear visual sign. Defined and precise, the colours emphasise the sporty, angular character of the machine down to the last detail.
Style Sport
From the race circuit to the road: The Style Sport combines Light white/Racing blue metallic/Racing red paintwork with elegant racing components like the titanium sports silencer or the M Lightweight battery.
Ice Grey uni
The paint variant of Ice Grey uni contrasts perfectly with black and puts the sharp lines of the S 1000 XR in the foreground. A clear statement for everyone who would rather have their actions speak for themselves.
Four-cylinder in-line engine
A curve that makes you addicted: our torque.
A curve that makes you addicted: our torque.
The engine of the S 1000 XR is based on the high-performance engine of the new RR and was optimised according to the XR for uncompromising long-distance performance: among other things, special camshaft profiles and designated manifolds deliver impressive torque from the middle and the widest usable speed range in its class. The longer gearbox in the upper gears ensures smooth running – which you can feel and hear.
More dynamic thanks to the lower weight.
More dynamic thanks to the lower weight.
Dynamism is also a question of mass. Even fully equipped, the S 1000 XR weighs a full 10 kg less than its predecessors. In the lightest configuration, this bike is ready to ride at just 223 kg. You won’t miss a single gram, but you will feel each individual one – on every meter. In the form of better acceleration, higher agility, shorter braking distances, and easier manoeuvring.
Experience the sound of the S 1000 XR
The highlights of the S 1000 XR

Rapid assistance anywhere.
Rapid assistance anywhere.
The ECALL “intelligent emergency call” system developed by BMW Motorrad automatically makes contact with the BMW call centre in the even of an accident. The system is fixed to the handlebar and contacts emergency services as quickly as possible. Use of the ECALL system is proven to bring emergency services to the site of an accident more quickly and better informed.
#NeverStopChallenging – here you can meet riders from the community who think like you do. People for whom the day’s record time counts for just one day, because for them every kilometre and every curve is a new challenge.