
The R20 Concept
<p>Gaya lama bertemu dengan teknik tingkat tinggi. Konsep R 20 mewakili visi kami tentang Roadster. Sebuah mahakarya unik dengan elemen yang tidak salah lagi pada intinya. Big Boxer, Siluetnya yang mengesankan memanjakan mata dan hati saat melirik jok yang dibuat dengan tangan hingga bagian belakang yang pendek dan mencolok. Tangki pahatan benar-benar menarik perhatian dengan warna sinyalnya. Merah Jambu! Konsep R 20 akan merayakan debutnya yang sangat dinantikan dengan penuh gaya di Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este.</p>
Maximised to the essentials
<p>The HP4 RACE is more than the sum of its parts. This bike is pure emotion. From the development right up to the racetrack, passion is what has made this race bike what it is. An innovation driver, designed to push the limits. The HP bike is the first motorcycle in the world to offer a fully carbon frame and fully carbon wheels. With 158 kW (215 HP) of power, it weighs just 146 kilos (dry weight). A handmade dream come true for a limited number of enthusiasts.</p>
BMW R 18 Classic resmi hadir di Indonesia
<p>JAKARTA – Setelah akhir tahun lalu BMW Motorrad Indonesia resmi menghadirkan BMW R 18, kali ini giliran varian R18 Classic diboyong ke Tanah Air. Cruiser Heritage pertama di jajaran model BMW Motorrad itu kian menonjolkan kesan motor peturing sejati dengan gaya retro.</p>
11 Juli 2024
<p>Finally, you can go on all of the tours you’ve ever wanted to go on. In the way that suits you best. After all, you know that the technology fits the bill. You have never experienced a ride as smooth and light as this one on an Adventure bike. No other adventure has had such a comfortable start. You can reach any destination with the R 1300 GS Adventure.</p>
Ariel NOAH, Pemilik pertama BMW R 18 di Indonesia.
1 Des 2020
<p>JAKARTA - Nazril Irham, atau akrab disapa Ariel NOAH, adalah pemilik pertama R 18 pertama di Indonesia dan resmi didapuk sebagai Brand Ambassador BMW R 18.</p> <p>Istimewanya, Ariel menjadi orang pertama di Indonesia yang menjadi pemilik dari sepeda motor bergaya cruiser tersebut. Menurut Ariel, gaya klasik yang dipertahankan dan dipadu dengan teknologi modern nampaknya menjadi daya tarik sendiri bagi Ariel.</p>
BMW Motorrad Indonesia Resmi Meluncurkan BMW R 18 First Edition
26 Nov 2020
<p><strong>JAKARTA </strong>- BMW Motorrad Indonesia resmi meluncurkan lini model cruiser pertama-nya yakni R 18 ke Tanah Air. Bagi agen pemegang merek BMW Motorrad di Indonesia ini, BMW R 18 menjadi model cruiser perdana yang menghadirkan citarasa yang sangat berbeda dengan model model sebelumnya.</p>
BMW Motorrad Definition CE 04, Gaya Baru Mobilitas Perkotaan
18 Nov 2020
<p>JERMAN - Interpretasi masa depan melalui kendaraan ramah lingkungan berhasil diwujudkan oleh BMW Group, dengan diperkenalkannya BMW Motorrad Definition CE 04.</p> <p>Hadirnya skutik ini seperti ingin mendekatkan versi skutik BMW Motorrad Concept Link menuju #NEXTGen 2020. Di sisi lain, BMW Definition CE 04 dapat dianggap sebagai penghubung antara dunia nyata dan digital para penggunanya kelak.</p>
40 Tahun BMW GS, Historikal Kesuksesan Berlanjut
5 Oct 2020
<p>JERMAN - Tanpa terasa, lini model BMW GS telah mendunia selama 40 tahun. Ribuan pengguna BMW GS dari berbagai belahan dunia termasuk Indonesia, sudah merasakan sisi kedekatannya bersama saat berpetualang.</p> <p>Pada peringatan 40 tahun eksistensi BMW GS ini dijadikan momen istimewa, dengan meluncurkan varian khusus, diantaranya BMW G 310 GS, BMW R 1250 GS dan BMW R 1250 GS Adventure.</p>
BMW M 1000 RR Mulai Debut Dunia
24 Aug 2020
<p><strong>JERMAN</strong> - BMW Motorrad memulai langkah strategisnya dalam memperkenalkan lini model terbaru di bawah 'bendera' M, yang merupakan produk berperforma tinggi di jajaran BMW Global. Wujudnya adalah BMW M 1000 RR, yang memulai debutnya hari ini. Model M RR ini dapat dikatakan sebagai interprestasi BMW dalam menghadirkan model terkuat di jajaran BMW Motorrad yang telah dihadirkan kepada publik dunia.</p>
BMW G 310 GS Hadirkan Warna Baru
3 Sept 2020
<p><strong>PT Maxindo Moto Nusantara, Agen Pemegang Merk BMW Motorrad di Indonesia, menghadirkan pilihan warna baru pada lini model adventure entry level-nya, yaitu BMW G 310 GS</strong></p>
BMW MOTORRAD INDONESIA memperingati 75 Tahun INDONESIA Merdeka dan 40 Tahun GS
21 Aug 2020
<p><strong>BMW Motorrad Indonesia mengadakan sebuah turing sepeda motor unik yang di padu dengan kegiatan menjelajah alam Indonesia sebagai sebuah kegiatan untuk memperingati 75 Tahun Indonesia merdeka dan 40 Tahun produksi tipe GS.</strong></p>
Alasan membeli motor BMW di dealer resmi BMW Motorrad Indonesia
24 Jul 2020
<p><strong>Seyogianya membeli sebuah barang hendaklah melalui distributor/ toko resmi. Hal ini untuk mendapatkan benefit/ keuntungan maksimal selama memiliki barang tersebut. PT. Maxindo Moto Nusantara selaku APM motor BMW Motorrad di Indonesia ingin konsumen mengetahui keuntungan membeli dari dealer resmi BMW Motorrad.</strong></p>
BMW Motorrad Indonesia Bebaskan Biaya Registrasi
5 Jun 2020
<p>Terhitung sejak awal PT. Maxindo Moto Nusantara, selaku APM BMW Mottorrad di Indonesia, berdiri, maka peraturan untuk mendaftarkan kendaraan motor BMW untuk dapat di servis di bengkel resmi berlaku. Setiap kendaraan yang di beli di atas tahun 2016 dan bukan dari diler resmi, maka di kenakan biaya registrasi.</p>
Interview dengan Pemilik Pertama BMW S 1000 RR versi 2020
4 Jun 2020
<p><strong>BMW S 1000 RR pertama kali diluncurkan di Indonesia pada ajang IIMS (Indonesia International Motor Show) 2019. Motor yang mengusung genre <em>Sport</em> ini tergolong motor yang masih hangat dan jarang di Indonesia. Tampilan khas dinamis dilengkapi teknologi Shiftcam terkini dari BMW mampu menghasilkan tenaga sebesar 209 hp pada 13.500 rpm dan torsi 113 Nm pada 11.000rpm. Akselerasi dari 0 – 100 km/jam ditempuh dalam waktu kurang dari 3 detik. Kecepatan maksimum kendaraan mencapai hingga 299 km/jam. Setahun Sebelum kendaraan ini bisa di kirimkan ke konsumen, seseorang telah berambisi untuk menjadi pemilik pertama.</strong></p>
6 Hal yang Dapat Anda Periksa Sebelum Kembali Berkendara
18 Mei 2020
<p><strong>Kebijakan PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) membuat sebagian besar pengendara dengan terpaksa tidak menggunakan motor kesayangannya untuk berkendara sementara waktu.</strong></p>
Tips Merawat Motor BMW Kesayangan Anda Selama PSBB
6 Mei 2020
<p><strong>Motor yang tidak digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama dapat berakibat kurang baik terhadap performa dan kondisi dari motor tersebut.</strong></p>
BMW S 1000 XR 2020 – lebih ringan, lebih bertenaga dan lebih fleksibel
28 April 2020
<p><strong>Kemunculan perdana seri baru BMW S 1000 XR di dunia pada EICMA 2019, menunjukkan bahwa motor Sport Touring ini secara radikal lebih ringan dan lebih gesit, serta mencapai kombinasi sempurna antara performa berkendara jarak jauh dengan karakter berkendara motor sport.</strong></p>
Kapan Model BARU akan Diluncurkan?
23 April 2020
<p><strong>Dengan tidak berlangsungnya Indonesia International Motor Show 2020 tahun ini, maka BMW Motorrad Indonesia telah batal meluncurkan model baru mereka. Rencana awal dua model unggulan untuk semester pertama 2020 ini adalah roadster kelas menengah bermesin 895cc, yaitu F 900 R dan sebuah moge Sport Touring bermesin sport, yaitu S 1000 XR.</strong></p>
Diler BMW Motorrad Indonesia Mengadakan Program Gratis Towing Untuk Servis Motor
10 April 2020
<p><strong>Untuk mendukung program pemerintah yakni ‘Social and Physical Distancing’, Diler BMW Motorrad Indonesia memberikan dukungan bagi pemilik motor BMW yang ingin melakukan servis motor tanpa meninggalkan rumah.</strong></p>
Indonesia Berpartisipasi dalam BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2020
10 April 2020
<p><strong>BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2020 yang diadakan setiap dua tahun sekali telah selesai digelar selama delapan hari, 9-16 Februari di Selandia Baru. Total peserta 22 tim dari 25 negara di seluruh dunia telah menuntaskan jarak tempuh hingga 2.500 km, start dari Rotorua dan finis di Coronet Peak dekat Queenstown.</strong></p>
BMW Motorrad Buka Diler Baru di Puri Kembangan, Jakarta Barat
7 Des 2019
<p><strong>Semakin berkembangnya jumlah pengguna moge BMW Motorrad, membuat BMW Motorrad Indonesia melihat perlu menambah titik pelayanan di Ibu Kota Jakarta. Titik diler yang baru ini berlokasi di Jalan Kembang Kerep no.1, Kembangan Selatan, Jakarta Barat. Berdiri di atas lahan 1.756 m2 dengan luas bangunan 1.100 m2, diler ini memiliki beberapa fasilitas unik.</strong></p>
Telkomsel Riders Indonesia atau T-Ride
31 Jan 2018
<p><strong>BMW Motorrad Indonesia hadir mengikuti gelaran ulang tahun perdana Telkomsel Riders Indonesia atau T-Ride dimeriahkan berbagai klub dan komunitas pengguna roda dua termasuk para artis yang tergabung dalam Motorbaik, di Kantor Telkomsel, kawasan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Sabtu (27/1) kemarin.</strong></p>
Pondok Indah Sunday Market (PISM) 2018
31 Jan 2018
<p><strong>BMW Motorrad Indonesia menjadi salah satu sponsor dalam acara Pondok Indah <em>Sunday Market</em> (PISM). Event ini digelar oleh para warga Perumahan Pondoh Indah, Pondong Pinang, Jakarta Selatan pada Minggu 28 Januari 2018 kemarin yang lokasinya di Jl Metro Duta Niaga, dari pukul 06.00 – 21.00 WUB.</strong></p>
31 Jan 2018
<p><strong>Surabaya, 28 Januari 2018 – BMW Motorrad Indonesia – Maxindo Moto selaku Agen Pemegang Merk (APM) BMW Motorrad di Indonesia kembali menghadirkan model terbaru dari lini model <em>Adventure entry level</em>, yaitu BMW G 310 GS.</strong></p>
Kapital Moto Hadirkan Dealer Perdana BMW Motorrad di Surabaya
31 Jan 20018
<p><strong>Surabaya 28 Januari 2018 – BMW Motorrad Indonesia – Setelah sukses meresmikan dealer BMW Motorrad di Bali tahun 2017 lalu, PT Kapital Berkah Indo (Kapital Moto) kembali menghadirkan dealer terbaru BMW Motorrad di kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, pada hari Minggu 28 Januari 2018.</strong></p>
Kelihaian BMW G 310 R Taklukan Obstacle di Ajang IMAS 2017
18 Nov 2017
<p><strong>BMW Motorrad Indonesia – Maxindo Moto, selaku Agen Pemegang Merk (APM) BMW Motorrad di Indonesia, turut ambil bagian dalam gelaran Indonesian Moto Adventure Safari (IMAS) 2017, yang digelar di Ciwidey, Valley Resort, Jawa Barat, akhir pekan (10-12/11) lalu.</strong></p>
Ini Dia Deretan Motor Keren Tunggangan Artis Simpati Motorbaik 2017
24 Aug 2017
<p><strong>Jakarta, OX. Skuad Simpati Motorbaik 2017 bakal menaklukkan rute perjalanan dari Yogyakarta menuju Bali, yang akan dilakukan mulai 21-26 Agustus. Sederet tipe motor gede (moge) dan skuter matik disiapkan untuk menjadi tunggangan para Baikers dalam perjalanan kali ini.</strong></p>
27 Jan 2017
20 Jan 2017
<p><strong>Jakarta, 19 Januari 2017 – PT Kapital Berkah Indo (Kapital Moto) yang akan menjadi diler resmi BMW Motorrad di Bali telah mulai beroperasi untuk pelayanan penjualan dan purna-jual serta siap untuk melayani seluruh konsumen di Bali dan sekitarnya.  </strong></p>
Winter Holiday Sale Receive up to 50% Discount for Selected Accessories & Lifestyle Products
24 Des 2016
<p><strong>Winter Holiday Sale Receive up to 50% Discount for Selected Accessories &amp; Lifestyle Products</strong></p>
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017 Make Life A Ride
23 Des 2016
<p><strong>Merry Christmas &amp; Happy New Year 2017 Make Life A Ride</strong></p>
PT Maxindo Moto Resmikan Flagship Store BMW Motorrad
28 Nov 2016
<p><strong>JAKARTA – Flagship Store untuk BMW Motorrad di Indonesia akhirnya resmi dibuka oleh PT Maxindo Moto, Sabtu (26/11), yang hadir tidak hanya menjadi fasilitas penjualan dan service untuk konsumen BMW Motorrad.</strong></p>
Sunday Morning with DJ Derina at BMW Motorrad Indonesia Flagship Store 27 November 2016. 09.00 am – Onwards.
25 Nov 2016
<p><strong>Sunday Morning with DJ Derina at BMW Motorrad Indonesia Flagship Store 27 November 2016. 09.00 am – Onwards.</strong></p>
Visit BMW Mottrad Indonesia booth at Indonesia Motorshow 2016, Jakarta Convention Center, Booth B1b, 2-6 November 2016
3 Nov 2016
<p><strong>Visit BMW Mottrad Indonesia booth at Indonesia Motorshow 2016, Jakarta Convention Center, Booth B1b, 2-6 November 2016</strong></p>
Visit BMW Motorrad Indonesia Booth at Main Atrium Lippo Mall Kemang Village, 17 – 23 October 2016
18 Oct 2016
<p><strong>Visit BMW Motorrad Indonesia Booth at Main Atrium Lippo Mall Kemang Village, 17 – 23 October 2016</strong></p>
BMW Motorrad Menampilkan BMW R Nine T Scrambler, dalam ajang Gaikindo Indonesia Internasional Motor Show 2016
2 Sept 2016
<p><strong>Jakarta, 11 Agustus 2016 – BMW Motorrad mempersembahkan model terbaru di Indonesia, BMW R nine T Scrambler, sebuah sepeda motor yang merupakan Scrambler sesungguhnya. BMW R nine T memiliki semua syarat untuk menjadi sebuah scrambler, serta diciptakan khusus untuk penggemar kendaraan roda dua yang <em>fanatic, purist,</em> menginginan kebebasan dan kenikmatan berkendara sepeda motor, hingga mereka yang gemar modifikasi. Digabungkan dengan teknologi serta kualitas tinggi BMW, R nine T Scrambler menciptakan tradisi baru untuk BMW Motorrad.</strong></p>
Mudah Buat Moge Adventure BMW Lewati Trek Enduro Off Road Level Tiga
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Chiang Mai – Jika pada level dua (28/8) sesi off road di luar close track BMW Motorrad Enduro Park Thailand di Chiang Mai cuma sebentar saja, maka di hari ketiga (29/8) full di alam liar! Motor yang dipakai tetap BMW F800GS, unit standar yang dipakai untuk special training enduro ini.</strong></p>
Level Dua Belajar Mengendalikan Moge Adventure BMW di Dalam Hutan, Seru!
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Chiang Mai – Hari kedua (28/8) tim BMW Motorrad Indonesia bersama OTOMOTIF di BMW Motorrad Enduro Park Thailand di Chiang Mai berlangsung lebih seru, tentu sesuai dengan materi training level 2 yang diberikan oleh tim instruktur. Bahkan ada kejutannya!</strong></p>
Level Satu Training Enduro Off Road Naik Moge BMW, Begini Stepnya!
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Chiang Mai – BMW Motorrad memang menyiapkan varian adventure-nya macam R1200GS atau F800GS, untuk tangguh di jalan aspal tapi juga mampu melibas trek off road. Meski begitu, belum tentu semua rider mampu menjinakan tubuh gambotnya di atas tanah.</strong></p>
Motor Miliaran Rupiah Ini Makin Dicari
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Tangerang, Otomania – Kehadiran merek sepeda motor premium BMW Motorrad di ajang pameran GIIAS 2016 disambut positif oleh pengunjung pameran dan penggemar motor-motor premium. Hal ini di buktikan dengan beberapa produk telah laku dijual sejak hari pertama pameran.</strong></p>
Mau Motor Kencang BMW Seharga Rp 714 Juta?
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Tangerang – BMW Motorrad Indonesia goda pecinta moge Eropa dengan model sport <em>fairing</em> S1000RR yang menjadi ikon kecepatan di Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2016. Beragam perbaikan membuatnya naik kelas, dan kini bisa menyapa masyarakat Indonesia.</strong></p>
Modifikasi BMW R nine T 2016, Classic Cafe Racer
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Jakarta – Salah satu daya tarik booth BMW Motorrad di GIIAS 2016 adalah hadirnya sebuah R nine T modifikasi. “Ini kami yang buat, temanya cafe racer,” terang Paulus B. Suranto, Sales &amp; Marketing Director PT Maxindo Moto Nusantara (MMN), selaku distributor dan importir resmi BMW Motorrad.</strong></p>
Di GIIAS, Penjualan Moge BMW Ngebut
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Tangerang – Di tengah perekonomian Indonesia yang masih sulit, minat masyarakat untuk membeli motor gede dengan harga mahal tetap tinggi. Lihat saja, motor-motor gede keluaran Jerman laris manis.</strong></p>
Beli BMW Motorrad di GIIAS 2016, Ada Asuransi Kecelakaan
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>BSD CITY, 17 Agustus 2016 – Ajang pameran Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2016 digunakan para apm untuk menawarkan program menarik untuk menarik konsumen. Salah satunya datang dari booth BMW Motorad Indonesia yang berada di Hall 3A.</strong></p>
2 Unit Flagship BMW Motorrad Langsung Dilamar Konsumen GIIAS 2016
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>SERPONG — BMW Motorrad Indonesia di hari pembukaan Gaikindo International Indonesia Auto Show 2016 langsung mendapat sambutan dari konsumen dengan menebus dua unit flagship Grand Tourer K1600TL-Exclusive dan R1200RT.</strong></p>
Test Ride: BMW R nineT, Menguji Roadster Jalanan Sejati
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>JAKARTA, 29 Juli 2016 — Jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Ungkapan ini barangkali bukan hal yang berlebihan untuk menggambarkan BMW R nineT. Motor yang diboyong PT Maxindo Moto, distributor resmi BMW Motorrad di Indonesia, memiliki penampilan yang kental dengan aura retro klasik bergaya roadster. Namun, R nineTdibekali beragam piranti yang membuat sosok motor menjadi lebih ciamik.</strong></p>
BMW R nine T Scrambler Lepas Harga Rp 620 juta di GIIAS 2016
31 Aug 2016
<p><strong>TANGERANG SELATAN — BMW R nine T Scrambler memberikan aura tersendiri di booth BMW Motorrad Indonesia yang mengikuti Gaikindo Indonesia International Motor Show 2016.</strong></p>
Receive Up To 30% Discount For Parts And Lifestyle Merchandise
10 Aug 2016
<p><strong>Visit BMW Motorrad booth at BMW Group Pavilion, Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2016.<br /> Indonesia Convention Center, 11 – 21 August 2016.</strong></p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
BMW F 900 R
Pure Dynamic Roadster
<p>Dengan Dynamic Roadster F 900 R, BMW Motorrad semakin memperluas jajaran produknya di segmen menengah. Model ini menawarkan pengalaman berkendara yang sporty, handling yang mudah dan berbagai pilihan perlengkapan tambahan.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
BMW F 900 R
Pure Dynamic Roadster
<p>Dengan Dynamic Roadster F 900 R, BMW Motorrad semakin memperluas jajaran produknya di segmen menengah. Model ini menawarkan pengalaman berkendara yang sporty, handling yang mudah dan berbagai pilihan perlengkapan tambahan.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
BMW F 900 R
Pure Dynamic Roadster
<p>Dengan Dynamic Roadster F 900 R, BMW Motorrad semakin memperluas jajaran produknya di segmen menengah. Model ini menawarkan pengalaman berkendara yang sporty, handling yang mudah dan berbagai pilihan perlengkapan tambahan.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
BMW R 18 Classic resmi hadir di Indonesia
<p>JAKARTA – Setelah akhir tahun lalu BMW Motorrad Indonesia resmi menghadirkan BMW R 18, kali ini giliran varian R18 Classic diboyong ke Tanah Air. Cruiser Heritage pertama di jajaran model BMW Motorrad itu kian menonjolkan kesan motor peturing sejati dengan gaya retro.</p>
Ariel NOAH, Pemilik pertama BMW R 18 di Indonesia.
1 Des 2020
<p>JAKARTA - Nazril Irham, atau akrab disapa Ariel NOAH, adalah pemilik pertama R 18 pertama di Indonesia dan resmi didapuk sebagai Brand Ambassador BMW R 18.</p> <p>Istimewanya, Ariel menjadi orang pertama di Indonesia yang menjadi pemilik dari sepeda motor bergaya cruiser tersebut. Menurut Ariel, gaya klasik yang dipertahankan dan dipadu dengan teknologi modern nampaknya menjadi daya tarik sendiri bagi Ariel.</p>
BMW Motorrad Indonesia Resmi Meluncurkan BMW R 18 First Edition
26 Nov 2020
<p><strong>JAKARTA </strong>- BMW Motorrad Indonesia resmi meluncurkan lini model cruiser pertama-nya yakni R 18 ke Tanah Air. Bagi agen pemegang merek BMW Motorrad di Indonesia ini, BMW R 18 menjadi model cruiser perdana yang menghadirkan citarasa yang sangat berbeda dengan model model sebelumnya.</p>
Defined strength in a straight line
The R 18 Dragster by Roland Sands Design
<p>Roland Sands is known for his daring designs with sports racing influences. He combines styles and knows no limits. When modifying the R 18, he draws inspiration from his father’s drag racing days: He reduces the mighty cruiser to the essentials and gears it up for maximum speed on straight roads. The result is a straight-line dragster with an iconic boxer engine – the R 18 Dragster.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
A spectacular motorcycle construction from Custom Works ZON.
<p>The Custom Works ZON team from Japan has received numerous awards for their custom bikes. With &quot;Departed&quot;, Yuichi Yoshizawa and Yoshikazu Ueda once again cause a stir – and promptly there is the next price. The heart of the machine is the prototype of a completely new type of opposed-twin engine. </p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Works of art on two wheels.
Customizers transform bikes into unique items.
<p>He is an originator, a designer, an aesthete: the customizer gives the standard motorcycle an unmistakeable face and a soul. Each and every one of his creations is a work of art. New colours, new shapes. Other materials, other mechanics. It attracts all the looks and makes your heart beat faster.   </p>
Propellant for your soul.
R nineT modifications from the most renowned customizers.
<p>The R nineT is the perfect basis for an individual modification: in just a few short steps, its rear end transforms from a two-seater to a solo, and thanks to the separation between vehicle and engine electronics, gearheads have practically no limits in terms of what they can do. The most widely renowned customizers have run riot on the R nineT. With their unmistakable signatures, they show what can be done with expertise and the modern classic boxer. Curtains up for the Soulfuel bikes!   </p>
Crafting a feeling.
The BMW Motorrad design process.
<p>Striking characters work in the BMW Motorrad design team. Every designer has their own style and feels at home in their own biker scene. And each and every one of them adds their own inspiration and passion. These different forms are then combined in the design process: they are manifested in each new BMW Motorrad creation. Edgar Heinrich, head designer at BMW Motorrad, introduces the BMW Motorrad design team and the design process. </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
On the road.
On the road with the R nineT Scrambler.
<p>On tour with the R nineT Scrambler. We have come visit real men who do their own thing and in addition love motorcycles.Driven by their passion, they make their own rules instead of just following trends. Always searching for inspiration and new experiences. </p>
BMW R 18 Classic resmi hadir di Indonesia
<p>JAKARTA – Setelah akhir tahun lalu BMW Motorrad Indonesia resmi menghadirkan BMW R 18, kali ini giliran varian R18 Classic diboyong ke Tanah Air. Cruiser Heritage pertama di jajaran model BMW Motorrad itu kian menonjolkan kesan motor peturing sejati dengan gaya retro.</p>
Ariel NOAH, Pemilik pertama BMW R 18 di Indonesia.
1 Des 2020
<p>JAKARTA - Nazril Irham, atau akrab disapa Ariel NOAH, adalah pemilik pertama R 18 pertama di Indonesia dan resmi didapuk sebagai Brand Ambassador BMW R 18.</p> <p>Istimewanya, Ariel menjadi orang pertama di Indonesia yang menjadi pemilik dari sepeda motor bergaya cruiser tersebut. Menurut Ariel, gaya klasik yang dipertahankan dan dipadu dengan teknologi modern nampaknya menjadi daya tarik sendiri bagi Ariel.</p>
BMW Motorrad Indonesia Resmi Meluncurkan BMW R 18 First Edition
26 Nov 2020
<p><strong>JAKARTA </strong>- BMW Motorrad Indonesia resmi meluncurkan lini model cruiser pertama-nya yakni R 18 ke Tanah Air. Bagi agen pemegang merek BMW Motorrad di Indonesia ini, BMW R 18 menjadi model cruiser perdana yang menghadirkan citarasa yang sangat berbeda dengan model model sebelumnya.</p>
Defined strength in a straight line
The R 18 Dragster by Roland Sands Design
<p>Roland Sands is known for his daring designs with sports racing influences. He combines styles and knows no limits. When modifying the R 18, he draws inspiration from his father’s drag racing days: He reduces the mighty cruiser to the essentials and gears it up for maximum speed on straight roads. The result is a straight-line dragster with an iconic boxer engine – the R 18 Dragster.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
A spectacular motorcycle construction from Custom Works ZON.
<p>The Custom Works ZON team from Japan has received numerous awards for their custom bikes. With &quot;Departed&quot;, Yuichi Yoshizawa and Yoshikazu Ueda once again cause a stir – and promptly there is the next price. The heart of the machine is the prototype of a completely new type of opposed-twin engine. </p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Works of art on two wheels.
Customizers transform bikes into unique items.
<p>He is an originator, a designer, an aesthete: the customizer gives the standard motorcycle an unmistakeable face and a soul. Each and every one of his creations is a work of art. New colours, new shapes. Other materials, other mechanics. It attracts all the looks and makes your heart beat faster.   </p>
Propellant for your soul.
R nineT modifications from the most renowned customizers.
<p>The R nineT is the perfect basis for an individual modification: in just a few short steps, its rear end transforms from a two-seater to a solo, and thanks to the separation between vehicle and engine electronics, gearheads have practically no limits in terms of what they can do. The most widely renowned customizers have run riot on the R nineT. With their unmistakable signatures, they show what can be done with expertise and the modern classic boxer. Curtains up for the Soulfuel bikes!   </p>
Crafting a feeling.
The BMW Motorrad design process.
<p>Striking characters work in the BMW Motorrad design team. Every designer has their own style and feels at home in their own biker scene. And each and every one of them adds their own inspiration and passion. These different forms are then combined in the design process: they are manifested in each new BMW Motorrad creation. Edgar Heinrich, head designer at BMW Motorrad, introduces the BMW Motorrad design team and the design process. </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
On the road.
On the road with the R nineT Scrambler.
<p>On tour with the R nineT Scrambler. We have come visit real men who do their own thing and in addition love motorcycles.Driven by their passion, they make their own rules instead of just following trends. Always searching for inspiration and new experiences. </p>
11 Juli 2024
<p>Finally, you can go on all of the tours you’ve ever wanted to go on. In the way that suits you best. After all, you know that the technology fits the bill. You have never experienced a ride as smooth and light as this one on an Adventure bike. No other adventure has had such a comfortable start. You can reach any destination with the R 1300 GS Adventure.</p>
BMW R 18 Classic, Nostalgia di Era Modern
4 Nov 2020
<p>JERMAN - Usai melakukan debutnya di awal tahun ini, BMW Motorrad kembali meluncurkan varian terbaru untuk BMW R 18 yaitu R 18 CLassic. Tampilan cruiser sejati untuk para pecinta touring makin menonjol.</p> <p>Hadirnya varian tersebut seperti ingin mengembalikan nostalgia dari Sang Legenda BMW R5 di era 1936 dan 1937 silam. Berbagai tambahan peranti kenyamanan berkendara dipasangkan pada BMW R 18 Classic.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
11 Juli 2024
<p>Finally, you can go on all of the tours you’ve ever wanted to go on. In the way that suits you best. After all, you know that the technology fits the bill. You have never experienced a ride as smooth and light as this one on an Adventure bike. No other adventure has had such a comfortable start. You can reach any destination with the R 1300 GS Adventure.</p>
BMW R 18 Classic, Nostalgia di Era Modern
4 Nov 2020
<p>JERMAN - Usai melakukan debutnya di awal tahun ini, BMW Motorrad kembali meluncurkan varian terbaru untuk BMW R 18 yaitu R 18 CLassic. Tampilan cruiser sejati untuk para pecinta touring makin menonjol.</p> <p>Hadirnya varian tersebut seperti ingin mengembalikan nostalgia dari Sang Legenda BMW R5 di era 1936 dan 1937 silam. Berbagai tambahan peranti kenyamanan berkendara dipasangkan pada BMW R 18 Classic.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
11 Juli 2024
<p>Finally, you can go on all of the tours you’ve ever wanted to go on. In the way that suits you best. After all, you know that the technology fits the bill. You have never experienced a ride as smooth and light as this one on an Adventure bike. No other adventure has had such a comfortable start. You can reach any destination with the R 1300 GS Adventure.</p>
BMW R 18 Classic, Nostalgia di Era Modern
4 Nov 2020
<p>JERMAN - Usai melakukan debutnya di awal tahun ini, BMW Motorrad kembali meluncurkan varian terbaru untuk BMW R 18 yaitu R 18 CLassic. Tampilan cruiser sejati untuk para pecinta touring makin menonjol.</p> <p>Hadirnya varian tersebut seperti ingin mengembalikan nostalgia dari Sang Legenda BMW R5 di era 1936 dan 1937 silam. Berbagai tambahan peranti kenyamanan berkendara dipasangkan pada BMW R 18 Classic.</p>
40 Tahun BMW GS, Historikal Kesuksesan Berlanjut
5 Oct 2020
<p>JERMAN - Tanpa terasa, lini model BMW GS telah mendunia selama 40 tahun. Ribuan pengguna BMW GS dari berbagai belahan dunia termasuk Indonesia, sudah merasakan sisi kedekatannya bersama saat berpetualang.</p> <p>Pada peringatan 40 tahun eksistensi BMW GS ini dijadikan momen istimewa, dengan meluncurkan varian khusus, diantaranya BMW G 310 GS, BMW R 1250 GS dan BMW R 1250 GS Adventure.</p>
40 years of adventure
Four decades of GS
<p>Ready for any challenge: Since 1980, the GS has stood for limitless adventure and curiosity, both on and off the road. 40 years ago, we presented the R 80 G/S for the first time as the conceptual pioneer of touring enduros, which laid the foundation for a decades-long success story. We are celebrating this anniversary with the special editions of our versatile GS models. The 40 Years GS editions are each a homage to the #SpiritOfGS. They boast state-of-the-art technology, but their design is inspired by the legendary R 100 GS and reminds us of the origins of the GS.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
Lord of the Enduros.
Dirk Thelen overcomes the hurdles of the Enduro d'Agadir atop the BMW F 850 GS.
<p>For Dirk Thelen, things are only heading in one direction: forwards, onwards and upwards. Where other participants of the four-day long Enduro d’Agadir overcome rocky gravel, sandy pistes and wet-clay mud with their hard Enduros, the four-time German Enduro champion effortlessly sets the pace – atop the new F 850 GS. A long-distance touring enduro subjected to a brutal test and terrain, right through Morocco.  </p>
Hall of Fame
Pioneers, voyagers and heroes of the Int. GS Trophy.
<p>The biggest challenge of a lifetime, new experiences and pure riding pleasure: the International GS Trophy is and will always be a legend of Enduro-adventures. Here are all of them, since the beginning in 2008 – the riders, who strove and conquered the yonder. Find your champion here, at the Int. GS Trophy Hall of Fame. </p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Searching for the unknown.
Isaac and Taylor follow their instincts and discover new roads.
<p>They don't know each other, but one thing connects them more than anything: They both need new perspectives like they need air to breathe. Jump on the bike and set off into the unknown. The destination is everywhere. When Isaac Johnston and Sterling Taylor start their engines, they dive into the weekend and just ride – the F 750 GS and F 850 GS have everything they need.  </p>
Highlights 2019.
Something to look forward to.
<p>BMW Motorrad gives you the right experience – and the right motorcycle – for every opportunity, trip and terrain. From new products through innovations right up to countless events: discover what highlights BMW Motorrad has in store for you in 2019.   </p>
I chase excitement.
Curiosity and enthusiasm are what drive Isaac Johnston.
<p>He's his own boss. Years ago, Isaac Johnston traded his office job for a life as a storyteller and lifestyle photographer. Today, the American from Montana lives for unexpected experiences and loves exciting and inspiring places. Above all, nature holds a special allure for him.    </p>
Completely in his element.
Sterling Taylor loves to push his own limits.
<p>As he feels his way upward, he finds a foothold with his toes and grabs hold of a protruding rock with his hands: Sterling Taylor is a climber and is not deterred by his fear of heights. He loves challenges – and his motorcycle. </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
40 Tahun BMW GS, Historikal Kesuksesan Berlanjut
5 Oct 2020
<p>JERMAN - Tanpa terasa, lini model BMW GS telah mendunia selama 40 tahun. Ribuan pengguna BMW GS dari berbagai belahan dunia termasuk Indonesia, sudah merasakan sisi kedekatannya bersama saat berpetualang.</p> <p>Pada peringatan 40 tahun eksistensi BMW GS ini dijadikan momen istimewa, dengan meluncurkan varian khusus, diantaranya BMW G 310 GS, BMW R 1250 GS dan BMW R 1250 GS Adventure.</p>
40 years of adventure
Four decades of GS
<p>Ready for any challenge: Since 1980, the GS has stood for limitless adventure and curiosity, both on and off the road. 40 years ago, we presented the R 80 G/S for the first time as the conceptual pioneer of touring enduros, which laid the foundation for a decades-long success story. We are celebrating this anniversary with the special editions of our versatile GS models. The 40 Years GS editions are each a homage to the #SpiritOfGS. They boast state-of-the-art technology, but their design is inspired by the legendary R 100 GS and reminds us of the origins of the GS.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
Lord of the Enduros.
Dirk Thelen overcomes the hurdles of the Enduro d'Agadir atop the BMW F 850 GS.
<p>For Dirk Thelen, things are only heading in one direction: forwards, onwards and upwards. Where other participants of the four-day long Enduro d’Agadir overcome rocky gravel, sandy pistes and wet-clay mud with their hard Enduros, the four-time German Enduro champion effortlessly sets the pace – atop the new F 850 GS. A long-distance touring enduro subjected to a brutal test and terrain, right through Morocco.  </p>
Hall of Fame
Pioneers, voyagers and heroes of the Int. GS Trophy.
<p>The biggest challenge of a lifetime, new experiences and pure riding pleasure: the International GS Trophy is and will always be a legend of Enduro-adventures. Here are all of them, since the beginning in 2008 – the riders, who strove and conquered the yonder. Find your champion here, at the Int. GS Trophy Hall of Fame. </p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Searching for the unknown.
Isaac and Taylor follow their instincts and discover new roads.
<p>They don't know each other, but one thing connects them more than anything: They both need new perspectives like they need air to breathe. Jump on the bike and set off into the unknown. The destination is everywhere. When Isaac Johnston and Sterling Taylor start their engines, they dive into the weekend and just ride – the F 750 GS and F 850 GS have everything they need.  </p>
Highlights 2019.
Something to look forward to.
<p>BMW Motorrad gives you the right experience – and the right motorcycle – for every opportunity, trip and terrain. From new products through innovations right up to countless events: discover what highlights BMW Motorrad has in store for you in 2019.   </p>
I chase excitement.
Curiosity and enthusiasm are what drive Isaac Johnston.
<p>He's his own boss. Years ago, Isaac Johnston traded his office job for a life as a storyteller and lifestyle photographer. Today, the American from Montana lives for unexpected experiences and loves exciting and inspiring places. Above all, nature holds a special allure for him.    </p>
Completely in his element.
Sterling Taylor loves to push his own limits.
<p>As he feels his way upward, he finds a foothold with his toes and grabs hold of a protruding rock with his hands: Sterling Taylor is a climber and is not deterred by his fear of heights. He loves challenges – and his motorcycle. </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
40 Tahun BMW GS, Historikal Kesuksesan Berlanjut
5 Oct 2020
<p>JERMAN - Tanpa terasa, lini model BMW GS telah mendunia selama 40 tahun. Ribuan pengguna BMW GS dari berbagai belahan dunia termasuk Indonesia, sudah merasakan sisi kedekatannya bersama saat berpetualang.</p> <p>Pada peringatan 40 tahun eksistensi BMW GS ini dijadikan momen istimewa, dengan meluncurkan varian khusus, diantaranya BMW G 310 GS, BMW R 1250 GS dan BMW R 1250 GS Adventure.</p>
40 years of adventure
Four decades of GS
<p>Ready for any challenge: Since 1980, the GS has stood for limitless adventure and curiosity, both on and off the road. 40 years ago, we presented the R 80 G/S for the first time as the conceptual pioneer of touring enduros, which laid the foundation for a decades-long success story. We are celebrating this anniversary with the special editions of our versatile GS models. The 40 Years GS editions are each a homage to the #SpiritOfGS. They boast state-of-the-art technology, but their design is inspired by the legendary R 100 GS and reminds us of the origins of the GS.</p>
Made for the city
The BMW Definition CE 04 is seamlessly integrated into your life.
<p>Quickly get from A to B. From work to your friend’s place, from a café to the city. Flexible, spontaneous, always networked: driver, smartphone and the Definition CE 04. Its drive is completely emission-free, the design completely rethought. With the BMW Motorrad Definition CE 04, we are consistently continuing what we started in our first electric maxi-scooter BMW C evolution and the concept bike Concept Link – maximising mobility and pleasure. Electric and emission-free, networked, permanently #PluggedToLife.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Highlights 2019.
Something to look forward to.
<p>BMW Motorrad gives you the right experience – and the right motorcycle – for every opportunity, trip and terrain. From new products through innovations right up to countless events: discover what highlights BMW Motorrad has in store for you in 2019.   </p>
The city at your feet.
The BMW Motorrad Concept Link takes new, connected paths.
<p>Big city. Endless urban canyons, among which there is something new to discover around every bend. But it is also the desire for movement, freedom and the possibility to get from one place to the next quickly. With the Concept Link, which BMW Motorrad will be unveiling at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2017, a concept vehicle has now set about to combine the challenges of urban mobility of tomorrow with the opportunities of a digitalised world.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>
Made for the city
The BMW Definition CE 04 is seamlessly integrated into your life.
<p>Quickly get from A to B. From work to your friend’s place, from a café to the city. Flexible, spontaneous, always networked: driver, smartphone and the Definition CE 04. Its drive is completely emission-free, the design completely rethought. With the BMW Motorrad Definition CE 04, we are consistently continuing what we started in our first electric maxi-scooter BMW C evolution and the concept bike Concept Link – maximising mobility and pleasure. Electric and emission-free, networked, permanently #PluggedToLife.</p>
Summit with friends.
The BMW Motorrad Days 2019.
<p>For three days in Bavaria's Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything again revolves around the same passion: Motorcycles at the BMW Motorrad Days. An elaborate program of live music and action-packed shows, current bikes and numerous world debuts draws around 40,000 visitors to the city near the Zugspitze from July 5th to 7th. And these are not just BMW Motorrad fans, riders of motorcycles of all brands come to experience a diverse event weekend – a summit for friends, families, and the motorcycle community.</p>
<p>Staying dry in streaming rain? Relaxingly cooled at 40 degrees ambient temperature? What is standard today were the world innovations of yesterday. Discover the milestones of BMW Motorrad now. From the most successful product lines to the highest safety standards – our engineers and designers have not only changed the future, they have created it with each and every milestone. Join us on a journey through 40 years of rider's equipment and insights into the future of BMW Motorrad.   </p>
Highlights 2019.
Something to look forward to.
<p>BMW Motorrad gives you the right experience – and the right motorcycle – for every opportunity, trip and terrain. From new products through innovations right up to countless events: discover what highlights BMW Motorrad has in store for you in 2019.   </p>
The city at your feet.
The BMW Motorrad Concept Link takes new, connected paths.
<p>Big city. Endless urban canyons, among which there is something new to discover around every bend. But it is also the desire for movement, freedom and the possibility to get from one place to the next quickly. With the Concept Link, which BMW Motorrad will be unveiling at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2017, a concept vehicle has now set about to combine the challenges of urban mobility of tomorrow with the opportunities of a digitalised world.   </p>
Make Life a Ride.
Wake up to life every morning with your engine running.
<p>Every moment is a crossroads. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can continue straight ahead. You could return to your starting point and then just keep driving. A million paths lie at your feet, each better than the last and no worse than the next. Choose a new path every second and never look back. Because everything you find on the road is forever yours. And that's how you Make Life a Ride. </p>